Friday, April 23, 2010

Vinaigrette-Style Dressing

240ml chicken or vegetable stock
7.5 ml arrowroot
120ml red wine vinegar
120ml kosher salt
2.5 ml seasoning

How to do?
1. Combine the arrowroot with enough cold stock to form a smooth paste
2. Bring the remaining stock to boil and stir in the arrowroot mixture. Return to the boil and stir constantly until the sauce has thickened, about 2 minutes. Remove from the heat, stir in the vinegar, and cool completely. Gradually whisk in the oil. Add the salt and seasonings.

Orange-Cranberry Vinaigrette
Replace the stock with orange juice and replace the red wine with cranberry juice. Garnish with a little orange zest if desire.

Sherry Vinaigrette
Replace the red wine with sherry vinegar

Batch yield: 1 pt/480 ml
Serving: 16
Portion information: 1 fl oz/30ml

Nutrition per serving:
67 calories, 7 g fat, o g total Carbohydrate, 0 g protein, 49 mg sodium, o mg cholesterol

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