Saturday, July 24, 2010

Kalimantan, Indonesia

A Brief History of West Kalimantan Province Based on the conservation number 25 in 1956, West Kalimantan gets status as Autonomy Province area with capital of Pontianak. This position as autonomous area applied commencing from the date of 1 Januaries 1957. Hereinafter this date is considered to be anniversary day thus West Kalimantan Province. But start from 2002 the anniversary Days of The Government of West Kalimantan Province is commemorated every 28 Januaries. Since it determined as Autonomy area Province by 1 Januaries 1957 hence till now, occidental Kalimantan have led by nine government, which is the leader of the regency. Governor H. Usman Jaífar is West Kalimantan governor at that moment and started undertaking since 13 Januaries in 2003. These days government area of West Kalimantan province since it implement as autonomy area based on the conservation number 22 in 1999 divided become ten regencies, two towns as provincial capital West Kalimantan that is Pontianak city. Legal fundamental West Kalimantan Province is opened: on 1 January 1957Legal fundamental: Law No. 25/1956 Capital: PontianakRegional leader: Led by a Governor assisted by Vice Government Name Of Governors Kalimantan West West Kalimantan since stand up until now have been led nine Governors consisted of:1. Adji Pangeran Aflus (1957 - 1957) 2. Djenal asikin Judadiberata (1958 - 1959) 3. YC Oevang Oeray (1960 - 1966) 4. Kolonel Soemadi Bc Hk (1967 - 1972) 5. Kolonel Kadarusno (1972 - 1977) 6. Mayjen (Purn) Soedjiman (1977 - 1978) 7. Brigjen Parjoko Suryokusumo (1987 - 1993) 8. Mayjen H.A. Aswin (1993 - 2003) 9. H. Usman Jaífar (2003 - 2008).

The Brief History of West Kalimantan in 1936 is when the Dutch government was stand up. West Kalimantan is one of sub-province area that is part of Governmental van Borneo (GB) with center government in Banjarmasin, two year then, this GB become two resident where one of them is 'Residentie Westerfdeling van Borneo' with the government center in Pontianak. In 1942 - 1945, Japan occupies West Kalimantan and terminates a period of Dutch Indies government. In this Japan period is, still in sub-province status, which its government was focused in Banjarmasin, but is part of Borneo Minseibu Cokan. In independence struggle period, the figures of West Kalimantan, which is persistent opposed the Dutch colonization and also Japan are: Gusti Lelanang, Gusti Situt Mahmud, AR. Jeranding , HR. A. Rahman, etc. After the Japan colonization was over, simply West Kalimantan had not enjoyed yet the independence, because mastered by colonialist, especially Dutch (NICA) government in 1945. The West Kalimantan sub-province status is soon made perfect with confession of 12 governments of 'Swapraja' and 'Neo Swapraja', and after a few times joined become a federation area. West Kalimantan Area had confessed NICA as Special Region of West Kalimantan (DIKB) in 1948. But DIKB doesn't go along because there was a pressure from the people. Hence, in 1949 DIKB and regional leader deliver the authority to West Kalimantan sub-province in Pontianak, as a proxy of the center government of Republic of Indonesia States (RIS). 10. Hereinafter The Minister of Home Affairs RIS confirm the sub-province authority that implement the government in West Kalimantan and its government return to sub-province administration status which is part of West Kalimantan Province that focused in Banjarmasin. This condition take place finite in 1956.

Based on the conservation number 25 in 1956, West Kalimantan got status as Autonomy Province area with capital of Pontianak. The position as this autonomous area applied has commenced from 1 January 1957. Here in after this date is considered to be anniversary day of the West Kalimantan Government. But start 2002 the anniversary day of West Kalimantan is commemorated every 28 January. Since it determined as autonomy province, on 1 January 1957, West Kalimantan have led by eight functionaries Governor. Geographically, West Kalimantan is located 1080 to 1140 East Longitudes and 206 ' until 305 '.Its region boundaries is:North side: Serawak (Malaysia East)Side South: Java Sea East side: East Kalimantan Province and Central Kalimantan West side: Karimata Strait and South China Sea West Kalimantan passed by Equator line precisely in Pontianak town (0 degrees). West Kalimantan is swamp area mixed lowland peat and mangrove forest. West Kalimantan Soil Type for example red-yellow Podsolit with 10,5 million ha width; Organasol, Gley and Humus with 19,9 thousand km2 width; and Alluvial with 15,11 thousand km2 width. West Kalimantan Region flown by many river, for example Kapuas River, Porcupine, Melawi, Sekayam and exploited as alternatively traffic. Climate in West Kalimantan coast area tend hotter than the hinterland area. Air temperature of average about 200 - 350 C. Rainfall in West Kalimantan mean to 3000 millimeters per year, while wind velocity average 30 - 60 knots per hour. Number of residents in West Kalimantan is 3.722.172, with number of men 1.893.607 and number of women of 1.828.565. The government administrative region as autonomous area, consisted of 10 regencies and 2 cities, that is: Pontianak regency, Sambas regency, Bengkayang regency, Landak regency, Sanggau regency, Sintang regency, Kapuas Hulu regency, Ketapang regency, Sekadau regency, Melawi regency, Pontianak city, Singkawang city. Geographically, West Kalimantan is located 1080 to 1140 East Longitudes and 206 ' until 305 '.Its region boundaries is:North side: Serawak (Malaysia East)Side South: Java Sea Eastside: East Kalimantan Province and Central KalimantanWestside: Karimata Strait and South China Sea West Kalimantan passed by Equator line precisely in Pontianak town (0 degrees). THE MEANING OF WEST KALIMANTAN SYMBOL Angular five, meant as a Jointed unity state in Five Principles. Word 'Akcaya' mean 'Never Die' or with tenacity never give up. Shield mandau and 'keris', depict the patrimony and culture of west Kalimantan public ancestor heritage area. Transverse in the centre of describe unfolding equator on the dotted line equator. The raging fire in stove is the spirit of unflagging struggle. Knotty Paddy and cotton ribbon with four angle symbolized the prosperity that soul by four spirit (four desires) that is: seriousness, sincerity, mutual assistance, and familiarity. Number of unsure cotton (17), flame (8), paddy (45), describe Republic of Indonesia independence on 17 Augusts 1945. Siam Orange is the West Kalimantan pre-eminent commodity and famous commodity that recognized as Pontianak Orange, actually come from Cutting district, Sambas regency. The typical of this orange that is beloved likely, it thin skin, and smooth gleam. Siam Orange is in West Kalimantan since 1936 precisely in Tebas district, Sambas regency. Its seed come from China. Finite in 1950 Siam oranges have succeeded conducting to reach 1000 ha. In 1960 most of this orange tree had destroyed by coming down.In 1979 Siam orange plantations is developed again and until 1996 had built and 1996 had great period that reach 10.000 ha had more produce of 26.000 tons per year. After 1996 Siam oranges had breakout as consequence of monopolies system so that the price of level of fall farmer and Total Revenue (TR) be insufficient to finance Total Cost (TC); as a result farmer let dead orange tree because don't be looked after and badness as result of pest disease attack. Location Wide area potency expand of the existing KSP oranges between 10000 - 200000 Ha, it is in Sambas regency and located in one extent of wide lowland at some village in Pemangkat, Cutting, Sambas, and Teluk Keramat district.Based on the main product development plan is Sambas regency area, still be available expansion of orange commodity with 7844 Ha width and still enabling to be extended, because the availability of dry land farming area in West Kalimantan reach 200000 Ha width.

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